Paglulunsad at Paglalayag 2023: Legends of the Atayal People on Formosa

UP Department of Linguistics

The Department officially launched the latest issue of The Archive Classics, featuring the bilingual edition of Otto Johns Scheerer’s paper titled, “Legends of the Atayal people on Formosa” [“Sagen der Atayalen auf Formosa” in the original German version], translated into English by Dr. Markus Locker of the Ateneo de Manila University. The translation and publication of this work was done through the support of the German Embassy in the Philippines. Dr. Victoria Chen of the Victoria University of Wellington presented a special lecture titled, “The Atayal of Formosa: An overview of the language, people, and research” at the launch, which was held on August 18, 2023 at Palma Hall. Dr. Richard Scheerer, the grandson of Professor Emeritus Scheerer, also shared his grandfather’s academic journey in the Philippines.

Dr. Richard Scheerer war vor ein paar Jahren in Wien und wir durften ihn auf den Spuren Rizals durch Wien führen.
Siehe: Video der Festveranstaltung
Zu Beginn sieht man die Gruppe Kontra-Gapi musizieren, die 1998 mit unserer Unterstützung zu Gast in Wien war.