Philippine Independence Centennial Celebrations in Austria
Book Launching
of the
Philippine Centennial Commemorative Book
The Philippine Community in Austria
in cooperation with the
Philippine Embassy and the Museum of
Ethnology in Vienna
Museum of Ethnology (
Neue Burg
Thursday, 19 August 1999
7 p.m.
Celebration! is a coffetable book in full colors on the
Philippine Community in Austria. The book records the
Centennial Celebrations and features stories of general
interest, profiling:
- Filipino nurses: how it all began
- The Catholic Community in focus
- Filipino expertise at the United Nations
- Filipino-Austrian children making waves: one joins
the Vienna Boys Choir, two are beiing groomed for the
- Filipinos in Vienna's retail and services sector
- Various organizations which make up the dynamic community
Celebration! also reveals the ties that bind the
Philippines and Austria:
- The Philippines was named after a Habsburg
- Austrian adventurers were scaling Philppine mountains as
early as the 1790s
- An Austrian was the Philippine national hero's "friend and brother
in the fight for freedom and light"
- The Philippines served as safe haven for Austrians
escaping from national socialism
- Austrian charity groups improve thousands of Filipino
See also:
Philippine Independence Centennial Celebrations 1998 in Austria